Important lighting techniques for a level up in photography

The most important and powerful tool available to photographers is natural light. Whether you’re a pro, a hobbyist, or a beginner in the field of photography, you can never go wrong with it. Having a good understanding of how natural light works and how to employ it in your composition is one of the keys to improve your photography skills. Image source: A critical thing to remember is that the characteristics of natural lighting change due to the time of day. Basically, there are different kinds of light which you can use according to the mood you’re going after. Learn to wait for the right natural light to achieve the results you want. Understand that there is no good or bad lighting, only more appropriate ones for the shot you desire to get. Take note of the golden hour; it makes everything look majestic and magical due to its soft and golden tinting characteristics. However, it’s also good to not depend on the golden hour for all the photos you t...