Photography tips: Vacation shots

What’s a vacation without photos, really? My name is Janique Goff Madison, and I love traveling. I love digging up the photos I’ve taken during my trips every now and then, and revisit those places in my mind. I’ve also seen some vacation photos of people I know, and I feel that they could’ve done a better job at shooting images of their destinations. Image source: Here are some tips I can share about taking vacation shots. Research on the place. While exploration is well and good, it’s more practical to know the place if you only have a few days for your vacation. Research can help you find the best places for vantage points and exhilarating perspectives. Most tourist locations have spots that are magical for photographers. Know them before you get there. Keep yourself updated with the details. When I say details, I mean information like the time with fewest tourists, or the weather for the day, or the lighting of the area. All these d...