
Showing posts from September, 2020

Action shots: Taking pictures of moving objects

  In many ways, taking pictures of moving objects is more challenging than still-life photography. That said, some tips can make action shots much easier and more striking. Here they are, listed below. Janique Goff Madison .  Image Source: 1. Preparation is key. Like any endeavor in life, photography requires preparation, and action photography even more so. Photographers have to take into account factors such as location, lighting, subjects, and more. They need to know ahead of time what kind of shot they want to take and what the final image would look like. Another key point in preparation is knowing which equipment to bring and the right settings to take action shots. Janique Goff Madison . 2. Spend time with trial shots. Spending time experimenting with trial shots before the actual shoot is something a lot of photographers sadly take for granted. The result is that many of them are overwhelmed by the speed at which these subjects move.