
Showing posts from February, 2021

Kids and photography: Building their interest in the discipline

  Photography has become largely accessible to children of all ages, all thanks to the advanced camera technology present in smartphones. While photography is within their reach, true love and appreciation for the discipline may take some time to develop in a child’s consciousness. Image source: One way to kindle a child’s interest in photography is by surrounding them with great photography, shares Janique Goff Madison. Kids are generally intrigued by animal photos, which makes it a good starting point. Once a child is familiar with the concept of taking images, encourage them to take their own photos and explore. Take it slow the techniques and methods. Allow them to discover the discipline on their own. Following their own exploration, teach the child about background and foreground. Framing starts with scanning the surroundings of the subject. Image source: Teach them the proper way to handle all kinds of cameras. Kids these are ge