
Showing posts from March, 2021

Post-processing tips and tricks for the newbie photographer

Image source:  Not all photographers are keen to use post-processing software on their computers to enhance the images they capture. Sure, most of the work still has to depend on how one composes images through their lenses. However, a little help from editing can make one a better photographer. See photos on a larger screen for instant feedback on one’s own work, says Janique Goff Madison . Getting images on the editing software helps a photographer check the potential in photos. Straighten and resize images for a more professional look . It's important to ensure that the horizon is straight to prevent viewers from noticing something off with the scene. Avoid thinking of post-processing to alter the reality of the photo, rather a way to become a better photographer. When photographers are not mindful of their camera's white balance settings, a distorted subject caused by bad lighting conditions is often the outcome. Shoot in RAW to quickly correct the