
Showing posts from February, 2022

Tips on using patterns in photography

I mage source: Everywhere you look, you can spot patterns. But not all photographers are wired to see them, says <a href=" "> Janique Goff Madison</a>. That’s because people can be more inclined to take a shot of more obvious subjects, like people, animals, and landscape. But if you learn how to incorporate patterns into your photography, it can result in more visually captivating images.   Discussed in this blog post are some tips on how to use patterns in photography.   <b>Actively search for patterns</b> No matter what place you are in, there are patterns around you. Simply scanning your surrounding can lead to the observation of patterns around you. Some common examples of patterns that can serve as photographic subjects are floor tiles, a wall of bricks, or a row of windows. On the other hand, uncommon patterns include trays of eggs. By getting used to consciously seeing patterns,