
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why good photography matters in animal rescue

  Animals in shelters badly need new fur-rever homes, but it’s never easy to find the best for them. In many cases, the characteristics and qualities of animals in shelter are not captured well, causing prospective adoptive parents to take a step back to reconsider until they totally let go of the rescues.  Image source: Good photography is important when it comes to animal rescue, says San Diego-based student and photography fan Janique Goff Madison. Any composition with bad lighting is ultimately a bad photo. When rescue animals have their photos taken in a relaxed, fun, warm, and well-lit environment, their loving and cuddly sides can be seen. It would be a disservice to rescue animals just to post photos of them that look frightened, hostile, and injured when they possess the total opposite of those qualities.  Image source: Most prospective pet parents first meet an animal through a social media post by an animal shelter. Such posts must display