
Showing posts from October, 2021

Is it still possible to stop the effects of climate change?

Image source: Everyone has contributed to climate change. More people are becoming conscious of their potentially harmful ways and how it has affected the world we live in, many still need to be made aware of the extreme environmental changes that are happening. Janique Goff Madison explains that while climate change is happening now, there are still ways to lessen its negative effects with the right changes. One of the ways to slow down the destruction caused by increasing temperatures is to lessen one's carbon footprint. Governments and large-scale companies are also responsible for creating solutions that will encourage individuals to do their part in saving the environment. Decreasing food, chemical, and technological waste might not entirely stop the effects of climate change overnight, but it can reduce the damages, especially for high-risk areas. Another way to stop the effects of climate change is to switch to green energy by reducing oil and gas, which c

How to help people who work in animal shelters

Image source: According to animal shelter volunteer Janique Goff Madison , animal shelters are very busy and understaffed. As a result, these places require volunteers and full-time workers to multitask. The work is not just about playing with pets. Some of the tasks involve giving medication to some of the ailing animals, preparing their food, cleaning their spaces, and interviewing potential owners. On that note, Janique Goff Madison shares ways to help the people who work in animal shelters. Adopt from the shelter. The best gift that supporters and visitors can give shelter workers is adopting one of the pets. For shelter workers, there's nothing quite like the joy of seeing pets find a new owner who will care for them for a long time. As they've taken care of these animals for a long time, they also appreciate photo updates and occasional visits from these pets and their owners. Image source: Support events. Animal shelters usu