Photographers are doing the best they can to be productive during the lockdown. It's not business as usual for the world, but the improvement must continue. One of the best ways to stay on top of your photography game is by building a budget studio at home. Janique Goff Madison.

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The most common photography equipment a studio needs is a lightbox. If these are not available at home and if shipping is still allowed, purchase the following: two desk lamps, two led light bulbs (preferably 60W), and one roll of white paper. Look for any unnecessary coffee table or folding table at home. If there isn't any, consider purchasing one for the home studio. With everything bought and gathered, it's time to find the perfect spot for the studio. Janique Goff Madison.

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Place the table near a wall. Grab the white paper roll and tape its ends on the wall and let it roll down—the objective is to create a smooth line on the table, having no noticeable corners. Place the two lamps on top of the table on both sides. It's best to work with a tripod. Position it as close to the table as possible, so as to not use the zoom when shooting. Janique Goff Madison.

The DIY home studio is perfect for product photography, a discipline of the art that one can focus on during quarantine. The only way to learn proper product photography is by shooting on manual mode. Dedicate this time to improve on adjusting the exposure triangle and paying attention to good composition. Janique Goff Madison.


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