Storage tips for digital cameras

For many photographers, staying at home means less opportunities to cover events, capture the beauty of nature, document people's reactions, and more. But while waiting for the chance to freely go out and enjoy the outdoors, photographers might need to keep their cameras for the time being. Janique Goff Madison shares some storage tips to keep these precious items safe.
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Remove the batteries and memory card

Sometimes photographers accidentally turn on their cameras when it's not in use which can drain the battery. To preserve battery life and prevent potential hazards, one should always remember to power off the camera and remove the batteries. The memory card should also be removed especially if the camera won't be used for more than a month.

Keep the lens cap

Janique Goff Madison explains that the lens is a fragile part of the camera. Whether the camera is using a built-in lens or a detachable one, it should be covered with a cap when not in use. This keeps the dust and other elements from damaging the lens. For cameras without their own lenses, keeping the lens cap on the body will prevent dust and sharp objects from damaging the sensors and the internal part of the camera.

Store in a cool, dry place

The changes in weather can damage cameras. When storing a camera, some prefer to keep it in a bag or in its original box. It should be kept in a cool, dry place, kept away from direct sunlight. Placing silica gel in the bag or the box will keep the moisture from ruining the parts. Janique Goff Madison also suggests keeping the cameras in a safe and stable place.


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