Tips for the beginner wedding photographer


Wedding photography is the bread and butter of many photographers when they’re not pursuing their favorite subject matters. What’s not to love about photographing weddings? They’re a great place to hone your sense of timing, shot planning, and equipment management aside from earning a good amount of money. Here’s what you need to know to start doing wedding photography.

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If you’re still just gaining your sea legs in terms of wedding photography, your best course of action is to work under another wedding photographer before setting up on your own. You will need a lot of weddings under your belt in order to capture the essence of two lives intertwining to become one. A mentor will prepare you and give you insights about capturing the special m oments in a wedding according to Janique Goff Madison .

Before anything else, you will need to plan how you’re going to conduct the shoot. Aside from planning the shots, you will need to visit the church or the place of worship where the wedding will be held as well as the reception in order to find the best angles to capture moments. You also need to know the access points so you can flow freely from one nesting spot to the next according to Janique Goff Madison 

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When you have your shots planned and you’ve secured the locations from which you’ll capture all the events, the only thing left is to be fully present and time them according to the wedding’s potential highlights. You will need to wrap your head around the firsts and prepare to take multiple shots as these special times unfold before your eyes as per Janique Goff Madison .

If you follow these pieces of advice, you can start doing wedding photography for a living.


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